Saturday, September 12, 2009

Use What You Have

I love the way bringing in fresh greens livens up a room!

It doesn't have to be a lush bouquet of roses. A simple arrangement of twigs, branches, berries, leaves, ... what ever you can find right outside your door. It looks great and it's definitely in season!

When the leaves start to turn, start to gather. When the pine cones fall, pick them up and bring them in. Is there moss anywhere on the ground? Dig some up. It looks so pretty at the base of a house plant and makes a great moisture barrier. Why buy it if it's right in your backyard?

Take clippings of your outdoor annuals. They look just as pretty inside as they do outside. Some, like this Coleus, will grow roots.

When the roots have formed, set them in dirt and voila, you have another plant. I love the way the roots look in the glass jars.

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