Friday, July 31, 2009

Pie anyone?

These colorful chairs will go in my client's kitchen. She asked for bold color, patterns, and pies.


  1. Finally... a place to comment:) I wanted to tell you that the blog looks great! Hopefully Blogger will be better for you.
    Those chairs are darling. I'm sure your client will be thrilled.
    Take care.

  2. These are great. I also work with painted furniture so when I saw that category on your sidebar I had to have a look. These are really so fun. I love the pie theme which I am sure has something to do with your client. Do you do a lot of commissioned work and do you usually draw out your designs before you paint them?

  3. Hi Becolorful, thanks for stopping by.

    Yes, I do do a lot of commissioned work as well as retail sales of painted furniture. A quick colored pencil sketch of the furniture helps me plan the design and gives me the assurance that the client will be happy with the piece - before I even start painting.


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