I am so excited to start painting this French Provincial Hutch and Buffet.
I know the transformation will be amazing. I am always amazed myself when I see the base coat applied and it instantly turns into a completely new piece.
I am still thinking about colors:
Like this French Blue cabinet... so soft and yummy!

Or, this monochromatic grey would work nicely into any space.

But I am really leaning towards this black and cream combo. I love this cabinet. I may also add interior lighting. Even though it will only illuminate the top shelf's (because they are not glass) it will still add some splash!

You can link to those beautiful photos at: http://pinterest.com/bonflourish/furniture/ to see their original post.
The next project lined up after the Hutch is this incredible book shelf.
I really should have taken a photo with the doors still on! These are the doors:
All three doors have this beautiful grill work design, but are badly damaged and may need to be removed if I can't repair them. I have not decided yet on the colors for this. Hopefully I can get started sometime soon!